Model Courtesy Varian Medical Systems
Simulation Modeling Suite
Simmetrix Simulation Modeling Suite™ is a suite of component technology modules to support geometry-based simulation modeling. The Simulation Modeling Suite includes a comprehensive range of functional modules providing a foundation for your simulation application, including: analysis attribute management, automatic mesh generation, export of run-ready data, and results management. These functional modules can be used either independently or in combination to achieve synergy.
The Simulation Modeling Suite uses a unique architecture providing CAD-independent direct access to design geometry without translation. Simulation attributes and queries are performed on a unified topology simulation model, and all necessary queries to the underlying design geometry are managed by the GeomSim interface. The Simulation Modeling Suites enables you to build robust simulation modeling and simulation-based design applications.
Libraries available include:
MeshSim™ Core
Provides for fully automatic mesh generation of surface and solid models. All MeshSim modules support non-manifold geometric models and maintain the relationship between the generated mesh and the original geometry. Offers triangular, quadrilateral, and mixed meshes of surfaces along with tetrahedral meshing of solids, and supports curved meshing of higher order elements and face matching for periodic and contact boundary conditions. Meshing is automatic with no user interaction needed. MeshSim Core also provides extensive mesh sizing and gradation control including curvature-based refinement and an extensible toolkit for export of simulation data. Meshes can be exported to a variety of standard formats.
Requirements: GeomSim Core and at least one GeomSim interface module (Int, Krnl, CAD, Discrete).
MeshSim Advanced
Adds additional meshing capabilities for 2D and 3D boundary layer meshes with automatic intersection resolution and many options to control the control the creation of the boundary layer mesh to ensure it is optimal for a given problem. Also adds capabilities for 2D and 3D extruded meshes, including thin-section meshing (meshing with extruded elements in thin areas of the model).
Requirements: MeshSim Core. -
MeshSim Adapt
Adds adaptive meshing capabilities to MeshSim to allow refinement and coarsening in specified areas of an existing mesh while maintaining compatibility with the geometric model. Adaptation in boundary layers is supported but also requires MeshSim Advanced.
Requirements: MeshSim Core. -
Parallel MeshSim Core
Provides most of the capabilities of MeshSim Core in a parallel computing environment. Parallel MeshSim Core supports MPI and multi-threaded parallel processing configurations.
Requirements: MeshSim Core.-
Parallel MeshSim Advanced
Adds parallel meshing capabilities addressing special application needs provided by MeshSim Advanced.
Requirements: Parallel MeshSim Core and MeshSim Advanced -
Parallel MeshSim Adapt
Adds parallel adaptive meshing capabilities provided by MeshSim Adapt.
Requirements: Parallel MeshSim Core and MeshSim Adapt.
MeshSim Crack
Adds additional meshing capabilities addressing specific needs for crack insertion and propagation in existing meshes.
Requirements: MeshSim Core. -
MeshSim Octree
Provides octree based discretization functionality useful for simulation technologies such as immersed boundary methods.
Requirements: GeomSim Core, GeomSim Discrete.
GeomSim™ Core
Provides direct access to design geometry through a common interface independent of the CAD system or modeling kernel. This unique access to design geometry creates a unified topology model suitable for simulation including sliver suppression, non-manifold assembly modeling, and volume extraction for CFD, EM, and other far field applications. In addition to interfacing with CAD, GeomSim Core allows the importing of geometry primitives (curves, surfaces, BSpline) to create GeomSim geometry. GeomSim Core also provides specification, definition, and assignment of geometry-based attributes related to the simulation problem. A broad range of attribute types and definitions are supported to provide the ability to define a wide range of simulation problems and applications including geometry-based mesh control and associated queries to support automatic meshing through MeshSim or any other mesh generation software.
Requirements: GeomSim interface module (Int, Krnl, CAD, Discrete, Import).
GeomSim Advanced
Provides the ability to add simulation-specific geometry to the unified topology model to complete preparation for simulation. Functionality is included to add: bounding boxes, symmetry planes, capping faces, and volume extraction for CFD, EM, and other far field applications.
Requirements: GeomSim Core -
GeomSim Abstract
Provides the ability to maintain persistent analysis attributes through complex design changes including topological changes or substitution of parts/subassemblies. GeomSim Abstract provides the definition of an abstract model in terms of components, classes and interfaces between components and/or classes. GeomSim attributes may be associated with this abstract model. GeomSim Abstract maps attributes from the abstract model to the current geometric model instance.
Requirements: GeomSim Core -
GeomSim Discrete
Provides an interface for reading a wide range of finite element mesh representations as the geometry source. Formats supported include STL, Ansys, FLUENT, Nastran, Triangle, 3DS, IDEAS and more. Also provides functionality for the user to import raw mesh data as the geometry source.
Requirements: GeomSim Core-
GeomSim Discrete Modeling
Provides additional modeling capabilities for GeomSim Discrete models, including extensive model/geometry mesh cleanup and repair. Also provides the ability to add model primitives (cylinders, enclosing volumes) to GeomSim Discrete models.
Requirements: GeomSim Discrete
GeomSim Voxel
Provides functionality to construct a Discrete model from 3D segmented image data. GeomSim Voxel makes various tools available to help cleaning up artifacts in the segmented image data in preparation for the generation of a Discrete model and finite element mesh. The tools include the ability to change individual voxel data as well as advanced filters to automatically eliminate artifacts introduced during the image segmentation process.
Requirements: GeomSim Core and GeomSim Discrete -
GeomSim Modeler Interfaces
- GeomSim Int ACIS / Parasolid / Granite - Provides direct access to kernel functions for those with current licenses.
- GeomSim Krnl ACIS / Parasolid / Granite - Provides interface for loading model files without the need for kernel licenses.
- GeomSim CAD NX - Provides interface to NX via NX API.
- GeomSim CAD Pro/E-Creo - Provides interface to Pro/Engineer via Pro/Toolkit.
- GeomSim CAD SpaceClaim - Provides interface to SpaceClaim via SpaceClaim API.
- GeomSim CAD for SolidWorks - Provides interface to SolidWorks via SolidWorks API.
- GeomSim OpenCascade - Provides interface to OpenCASCADE geometric modeling system.
FieldSim™ Core
Provides specification, interpolation, and interrogation of results as fields. A broad range of field related calculations are supported including integration. FieldSim can be used in combination with GeomSim to map results from one analysis as loads or boundary conditions for a subsequent analysis.
Requirements: one or more GeomSim modules.